hedge in

英 [hedʒ ɪn] 美 [hedʒ ɪn]

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  1. The garden is surrounded by a hedge in which many small creatures can live
  2. A car came from nowhere, and I had to jump back into the hedge just in time
  3. While they are at work they lay the child behind the hedge in the shade.
  4. How many could give the familiar name of half a dozen plants plucked at a random from beneath the hedge in spring-time?
  5. 'I understand there is a gate through the hedge in one place,'said Holmes.
  6. Hedge funds in international financial markets to stir up trouble.
  7. Hedge funds in particular have grown up quickly.
  8. Realistic Significance and Basic Tasks of Developing the Business of Hedge in Securities Market under A New Era
  9. In 2007, institutions such as Citigroup and Bear Stearns held mortgage derivatives or hedge funds in supposedly segregated companies.
  10. Second, an important measure is to implement the hedge in the aggregate.
  11. The commodities sector is one case in point: though politicians like to blame hedge fund speculators for price swings, ETFs may be as important as hedge funds in recent price trends.
  12. He lived in a drain below the hedge, in a very dirty wet ditch.
  13. That could ultimately help boost the development of hedge funds in China, he adds.
  14. The liquidity and solvency problems of that hedge fund in turn are likely to lead other investors to withdraw ( again a liquidity problem) leading to further price declines ( solvency).
  15. Study for Plants Mode and Benefit of the Compound Agriculture and Forestry Living Beings Hedge in the Steep Hillside Fields of Three Gorges Reservoir Area; Slash and burn cultivation and the burning of grass to fertilize land were still customs retained in a few localities.
  16. Never had she seen such a fierce, prickly hedge in her life.
  17. Scientific Research Institute of Forestry Fruit-tree in Wuhan proposes the concept of economic hedge in the course of three rural services, and has done relevant model cultivation.
  18. The role of hedge funds in the rebuilding of Wall Street is still being written.
  19. This is the biggest hedge in commodities history, at 100m barrels.
  20. Hedge funds in places such as New York are forecasting a default.
  21. Analysis of bank shielded by green hedge in the gutter of Xinlong forestry office nursery
  22. The Planting and Developing of the Plaint Hedge in Taiyuan City
  23. In order to study the effectiveness of futures hedge in China, a regression analysis of the mature copper futures and immature cotton futures by SPSS is made.
  24. Carrying out summary and evaluation on control model of plant hedge in Zigui county provides reference for ecological programme development.
  25. On the base of investigating the present utilizing of hedge in Shandong province, the paper deals with the entire hedge germplasm resource of the province, and the species, applied mode, developing traits, adaptability are analyzed.
  26. Compared with the traditional hedging approaches, the hedge ratio with minimum risk considered the return aspect and enable the hedgers to hedge in an optimal manner.
  27. We should catch the chance, and prepare well for developing the business of hedge in futures Market.
  28. In this paper, by the analyses about the strategy of the combination hedge in futures markets and its risk, we get least squares estimation of the hedge ratio and its risk.
  29. Meanwhile, it will be a value for accounting and financial management officers in the companies to make a correct evaluation on calculation of hedge ratio and effectiveness of hedge in order to apply hedge accounting and hedge portfolio reasonably.
  30. On the other hand, the risk management practice of hedge in the crisis caused some confusion and negative impact.



  1. enclose or bound in with or as it with a hedge or hedges
    1. hedge the property

    Synonym:    hedge